Political (dis)Interest during the Transition to Adulthood among Ethnic Minorities in Four Western Countries

Fri, 22 March, 2024 2:00pm - 3:30pm
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What is the relationship between perceived discrimination, oppositional identities, and political interest among ethnic minority adolescents in England, Germany, the Netherlands, and Sweden? Using data from the Children of Immigrants Longitudinal Study in four European countries, Dr. Adem will illustrate that ethnic minorities demonstrate comparable or higher levels of political interest than majority groups, with reactive identity being a strong predictor of political engagement in contexts marked by racial disadvantage and unrest.

Dr. Muna Adem is an Assistant Professor of Sociology at the University of Maryland. Her research lies at the intersection of race, ethnicity, and immigration.

Georgetown University Mortara Center for International Studies 3600 N Street NW Washington DC 20007

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