Learning to Be Latino

Tue, 13 November, 2018 12:00pm
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College campuses have very different organizational cultures, which shape students’ experiences in distinct ways, yet colleges vary along many other dimensions—all of which can affect students. Schools have different peer cultures, party scenes, athletic emphases, racial-ethnic climates, and political cultures. Some campuses enclose their students’ lives in a bubble for four years, offering an all-encompassing student life experience, while other schools enroll commuters with a very different relationship to the institution.

Join the Cisneros Hispanic Leadership Institute for a talk with Dr. Daisy Verduzco Reyes on her recent book, Learning to Be Latino, to explore how students learn particular and unique lessons at their college about what it means to be Latino on campus and in America.

Dr. Reyes is Assistant Professor in the department of Sociology and at El Instituto: The Institute of Latina/o, Caribbean, and Latin American Studies at the University of Connecticut. Her research has been published in Du Bois Review: Social Science Research on Race, Sociology of Education and Sociology Compass.

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