Dania Castro

Dania Castro Headshot

Dania Castro

Leadership Coach

Dania Castro leads the Friday professional development programming for first and second year Cisneros Scholars. Dania also serves as the Program Manager for Service and Social Innovation at The Honey W. Nashman Center for Civic Engagement & Public Service. Dania earned her bachelor’s degree in International Relations from Florida International University in Miami, Florida and her master’s degree in Higher Education and Student Affairs from University of South Carolina. Dania previously served as the GWSB Program Associate for Student Leadership and Engagement and also worked as a Posse Trainer at the Posse Miami office. 

Dania is passionate about social change, discussing topics of identity, diversity, inclusion, and developing creative class curriculum. She is a proud Latina and Guatemalan American. In her free time you can find her talking about the importance of self care, taking a spin class, walking through an art museum or reading the latest Brene Brown book.