Another Home

July 14, 2019

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Written by: Luis Gaitan, Caminos al Futuro 2019

Home. Webster dictionary defines it as ‘the social unit formed by a family living together’. Not only did I find a family while here at Caminos, but I also found another home. In the two short weeks here I have developed a profound connection with every single one of my peers and also with notable figures in the world, such as Representative Gil Cisneros. Our group is special because upon arriving we all made the time and effort to meet each other, consequently; it was as if we were all best friends. Every day we get closer and closer because we love to do things together. We have breakfast together, lunch together, have late-night talks with everyone in one room. I feel completely fine doing anything with everyone here and it is very sad to realize we are spending only one more week before separating. They are my friends, my family, my home.

When I first saw an application for a selective program in DC, I thought there would be no way I would even be considered. It hit me the drive down to the airport, I actually got accepted and are about to attend Caminos al Futuro. I have discovered that my leadership style is not always vocal. I like being on time, getting work done before its due, making sure everyone is in a good mood. I like to do these things all while we follow the rules. We have had many unjust instances throughout our time here, but each of us has had a voice when it comes to doing something about it. I focused on making sure everyone was emotionally stable.

Learning about ourselves and about each other is important because in the future we will be the next leaders. But even the next new leaders need to be aware of all the political controversies around the US. Whether we are in the Capitol with many of our representatives, or in class listening to Manuel Mendez compelling interactive presentation on Afro Latinidad, we are constantly learning how each of these issues impacts the Hispanic community. We are also learning about an important job and life skills. For example, we learned about how we need to show up early for an interview, make sure you stand out during the interview by being prepared for all questions and by asking questions to them, and finally to make sure to send them a thank you note after your interview. Last week and this week have been filled with amazing learning I can’t wait to see what we will be learning about next week.

Luis Gaitan is a Caminos al Futuro 2019 scholar. Luis’ views are his own and not necessarily reflective of the Cisneros Institute.